Friday, November 28, 2008

Mikrotik OS To Bandwidth Management

MikroTik RouterOS is the operating system and that can be used to make computer a reliable network routers, includes various features to complete the network and wireless, is one of bandwidth management. Here the way most initial settings for Mikrotik to Bandwidth management.

A. Install OS Mikrotik

1. Prepare your PC, at least Pentium II, also a father of RAM 64, HD 500M Flash memory or a packet of 64
2. In the server /PC must exist for at least 2 Ethernet, 1 to the outside and 1 more to the local Network will manage the Bandwidth
3. Source Burn CD Mikrotik OS input to the CD-ROM
4. Boot from the CD-ROM
5. Follow the instructions, use the next-next and the default
6. Install the main package, more package with all the bestt way mark
7. After all the package marked for install press the "I"

B. Setting Basic Mikrotik
1. log in as the default admin password it is filled directly enter
2. After the entrace to the command promt type:
[admin@BaseStation]>ip address add address= interface=ether1
3. Replace with your ip address and the interface will be used for temporary remote
4. Make ping to Mikrotik Server from other computer
5. After connecting procced to the next step, but not repeat steps 2

C. Advanced Settings
1. Mikrotik ip access through a browser, the page will appear and welcome sign in
2. Click the Download link to download the WinBox it's used for remote Mikrotika GUI
3. Run WinBox, Log in as admin password blank
4. Go to the top of the menu (interface), and the interface's not there by clicking the +
5. Add also the interface "bridge" to enable Mikrotik as a bridge

D. Setting Bandwidth Limiter
1. Click on the menu ip> firewall>mangle
Create a rule (click the + red) with the following parameters: On the General tab: Chanin=forward, src.add= (or ip i want the limit) in the action tab: Action=marking connection, New connection mark=ropix-con ( or the name of the mark, we make connection) Click Apply and Ok

Create a rule with the following parameters: On the General Tab: Chain=forward, Connection mark=ropix-com (select from the dropdown menu) At the tab Action: Action=mark packet, New packet Mark=ropix (or packet marking, we create) Click Apply and Ok.

2. Queues Click menu> Queues Tree
Create a rule (Click the + red) with the following parameters: on the General Tab: Name=ropix-downstrem (eg), Parent=ether2 (the interface is out of my way), Paket Mark=ropix (select for the dropdown, as we made on the mangle). Queue Type= Default, Priority=8, Limit At=8k (for a minimum bandwidth) Max Limit=64k (limit for setting the bandwidth) Click Apply and Ok.
Create a rule with the follwing parameters: on the General Tab: Name=ropix-Upstrem (eg) Parent=ether1 (is my way into the interface), Mark Packet Mark=ropix (select form the dropdown, as we made on the mangle), Queue Type=Default, Priority=8, Limit At=8k (for a minumum bandwidth upstrem) Max Limit=64k (for setting the bandwidth) Click apply and Ok.
3. Try browsing and downloading form IP, we limit was Rate in Queues rule was to be manage counter, i have not check more steps before
4. Green icon indicates the lack of the bandwidth restrictions (Normal), changed the yellow icon means getting close to limite bandwidth, and red means full.

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